Rust support overloading constructor?

when i use overloading constructor, it error. So, rust lang support overloading constructor?. This is code:

use std::result;
 use std::fmt;
 pub struct SomeObj{
    someobj1: String,
    someobj2: i32,
    someobj3: i32,

    /* FIXME: constructor and get set*/
    /* FIXME: constructor*/
impl SomeObj{
    pub fn newtest(someobj1: &str, someobj2: i32, someobj3: i32)->SomeObj{    
    pub fn newtest(someobj1: &str, someobj2: i32)->SomeObj{    

impl Clone for SomeObj{
        fn clone (&self)-> SomeObj{

/* FIXME: set and get*/
 impl SomeObj{
    pub fn setsomeobj1 (&mut self, someobj1_c: &str){
        self.someobj1 = someobj1_c.to_string(); 
    pub fn getsomeobj1 (&self)-> String{
    pub fn setsomeobj2 (&mut self, someobj2_c: i32){
        self.someobj2 = someobj2_c;
    pub fn getsomeobj2 (&self)->i32{
    pub fn setsomeobj3 (&mut self, someobj3_c: i32){
        self.someobj3 = someobj3_c;
    pub fn getsomeobj3 (&self)->i32{

/* Error:
pub fn newtest(someobj1: &str, someobj2: i32)->SomeObj{
missing field: someobj3 [E0063]
src/libtest/ SomeObj{someobj1:someobj1.to_string(),
src/libtest/ someobj2:someobj2,
src/libtest/ }
src/libtest/ 24:5 help: run rustc --explain E0063 to see a detailed

What is SomeObj?

this is struct SomeObj.
pub struct SomeObj{
someobj1: String,
someobj2: i32,
someobj3: i32,

Attach error log.

You cannot have two methods with the same name. The common pattern is to have multiple methods (e.g. new, with_x, from_y), or use the Builder pattern if the number of combinations gets out of hand.

Could you please reformat your code. Include all your code inside of
your code

Rust does not support functions with same name.

Please see preview before submit. It looks ugly and chance to confuse is big.

can I how to solve problem?

You should use different function names.
Choose main constructor and name it new.
Name another constructor somehow else.

Thanks you.

You can implement From (or a trait similar to From) with all types you want to construct with. These can be a tuple.

I think this is smelling hack. Don't you think so?

No. The most general use case for overloaded constructors is precisely constructing a type B From type A.