Rust server to listen request and send them to the GitHub API

Hello! I'm a newbie in Rust and I just need a little help if possible because I'm in trouble...

I'm trying to have a Rust server to listen on an IP address.
When the server got a GET request, I want to send this GET request to the github API and then return the result on the web page.
In this code I'm trying to send the request to and just display the json response on the web page.

How can I display the result on the web page?
How can I change the user when I am requesting the server?

I tried to mix things I found on the internet, but my code is broken ^^' So if you can give me some advices to work on it it would be very helpful!

async fn get_function(user : String) -> Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {

      let address = String::from("");
      let HttpRequest = [address, user].concat();
      let resp = reqwest::Client::new()
          .json::<std::collections::HashMap<String, String>>()
      println!("{:#?}", resp);
  async fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
    let user = String::from("octocat");
    let get_request = warp::get().and(get_function(user));
      .run(([127, 0, 0, 1], 3030))

Instead of printing to the terminal, return the response from the function.

async fn get_function(user: String) -> Result<impl warp::Reply, warp::Rejection> {
    let address = String::from("");
    let HttpRequest = [address, user].concat();

    let resp = reqwest::Client::new()
        .json::<std::collections::HashMap<String, String>>()

    let mut output_string = String::new();
    write!(output_string, "{:#?}", resp).unwrap();


In this case I use write! to write the data to a String instead of printing to terminal.

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