Rust-rdkafka crate update with librdkafka 2.6.0

For my app, I'm using latest rust-rdkafka crate available on, which internally uses an older librdkafka:2.3.0. There are new versions of librdkafka e.g. 2.6.0 that fixes multiple issues related to recovery in admin leader election, fetch errors etc. I could upgrade the rust-rdkafka (which depends on rdkafka-sys -> librdkafka:2.6.0) but cannot publish to crates. How can I contribute/get necessary permissions? **
Uploading rdkafka-sys v4.8.0+2.6.0 (/Users/akundu/rust-rdkafka/rdkafka-sys)
failed to publish to registry at**
Caused by:
**the remote server responded with an error (status 400 Bad Request): A verified email address is required to publish crates to crates. **

I had forked the original fede1024/rust-rdkafka and I'm ok with publishing the crate into my forked repo's package repository. I tried updating my local ~/.cargo/config but it doesn't seem to pick up. Also, not sure if github supports rust crates natively.

Alternately, I can also publish the crate to my company's jfrog artifactory, that offers native rust package register. But I'm unable to configure the app's Cargo.toml to reference artifactory and crate. If I include the local crate folder without version, it does not work. If I specify version, it fetches from crates bypassing my upgraded library.
#rdkafka = { version = "=0.36.2", features = ["cmake-build", "ssl"] }
rdkafka = { path = "crates/rdkafka-0.36.3", features = ["cmake-build", "ssl"] }

Can someone provide pointers to which is the correct way and something I can setup in CI?

Please correct your formatting, it's hard to read all bold text.

These chapters from the Cargo book explain how to specify dependencies from different registries, git repos or local paths:

What you probably want to do is override the original rdkafka-sys dependency with your updated fork. The maintainers of the package might also be interested in your changes and maybe would appreciate you making a PR in their repo.

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Thanks. the configuration does help but I get a 403 now and will follow up with my admins. I can manually Publish from UI but with token/API key, I'm unable to publish using cargo.

I had reached out to maintainer but he is not involved any more. I'll definitely create a fork MR.

Uploading rdkafka-sys v4.8.0+2.6.0 (/Users/akundu/RIV-06284/github-projects/xxxx/rust-rdkafka/rdkafka-sys)
error: failed to publish to registry at

Caused by:
  failed to get a 200 OK response, got 403
  	HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
  	HTTP/1.1 403
  	Date: Sat, 02 Nov 2024 23:16:26 GMT
  	Content-Type: application/json
  	Transfer-Encoding: chunked
  	Connection: keep-alive
  	X-JFrog-Version: Artifactory/7.49.10 74910900
  	X-Artifactory-Id: fe9f4d03882e66cd73370006daf51e32b9e7d53b
  	X-Artifactory-Node-Id: art2
  Operation failed for path 'crates/rdkafka-sys/rdkafka-sys-4.8.0+2.6.0.crate'

Hey did you ever get this resolved? I am running into the same exact error with my company's jfrog artifactory.