Rust Not Recognized

As usual, I am trying to learn something new and at the very beginning, the simplest of tasks is not working. I tried installing Rust on windows using the file on the Rust website. I ran rustc --version and of course it is not recognized. I added a variable to the PATH: C:\users\nick_.cargo/bin because the install of course didn't do it. I rebooted my system and checked ECHO %PATH% and I see the path that I added. Yet when I run rustc --version it is not recognized. A great start to my Rust learning path.

Anyone have any idea how something so fundamentally simple and basic is such a problem?

The correct path is probably C:\Users\nick\.cargo\bin

A reasonable thought, but no, the username is actually "nick_".

@theemathas probably meant that you should fix the \s (and replace the /) in your path.

Also, can you verify that rustc.exe does indeed exist at that path?

It is recommended to use rustup to install/manage your Rust toolchain (rustc, cargo, etc.)

Then the path is C:\users\nick_\.cargo\bin - note the extra slash after the username.

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