Rust lecturer needed

Hi all!
Is anybody interested in holding a lecture at the JKU in Linz/Austria?
Language can be either Germen or English
This lecture would be organized by the Institute of Network and Security at JKU


What is the lecture aim to cover? And does the lecturer need to live in Austria?


It should be a introduction to Rust, 1-2ECTS, where the students learn Rust from scratch.
It would be easier when you live in Austria.
However, if you are interested in doing that or know sb., just give me your contacts and i will forward it to the head of my institute

I'm late to the party, but there is now a Rust Programming Langauge course at the JKU in Linz :slight_smile: I guess it was a successful first semester, hope there will be more in the future :slight_smile:

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