Rust is a nightmare to learn coming from Java

Yep, a lot of good advice here. :slight_smile:

What I always come down to when Rust gets difficult is that it is paying off for me big time with:

  • Catching all kinds of bugs at compile-time instead of making me run the program before running into them. This saves hours upon hours upon hours of debugging time.

  • Running blazing fast for my users and making my apps easy to install.

Yes, there are no doubt the epic struggles that will ensue between you and the compiler and your brain as you try to figure out why you had to &**my_var or whatever it is, but your application will serve your users with speed and efficiency in a way that you would not be able to provide without Rust.

Edit: Oh and I think the first rust Koan should be near mandatory reading for anybody who has ever run into a Rust compiler error ( which is everybody that writes Rust ). :slight_smile: