Hello, looking at xbuild and seeing there are many things that could be used for mobile/tablet stuff, trying to from one source code build for all mobile/tablet including Linux mobile e.g. postmarketOS or Plasma Mobile, do I need anything special or will just building work? I know xbuild can generate IPA and APK, those are for Android and iOS and iPadOS so that is covered, is it like need a format for each platform or just build it raw and it can run? I plan to use crates SDL3, glow, and glow_glyph, some Linux mobile is on OpenGL ES and some on OpenGL but that should not be an issue seemingly, GL On Whatever=glow and SDL 3 the library has been tested in Linux mobile, anything else I should know? I expect I may need to package in SDL 3 library and looking through all your resources you have almost nothing on this building stuff, if anyone knows anything, can you please make it more available than just here if it is good enough? Also may need like home directory for files stuff but I can probably do that maybe or maybe not, maybe.
postmarketOS is just a Linux distro, so you can build for it like you would for desktop Linux. The only unconventional thing about postmarketOS from a userspace point of view is that it uses musl rather than glibc as libc implementation. So you need to build for aarch64-unknown-linux-musl rather than for aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu. You may want to build from inside a postmarketOS container because of this though as getting a musl version of all libraries you need to link against installed on your regular Linux distro is non-trivial. Using a container is much easier.
Thank you. Okay so postmarketOS covered, Android and iOS/iPadOS covered, does anyone know about Plasma Mobile or like modded Androids such as LineageOS? Most modded Androids should run APKs right? Also, I think Ubuntu Touch is similar to postmarketOS but not MUSL, am I wrong? Also, what about Jolla Sailfish, I hear it has a build system like Android? Note I have Ubuntu Touch and Sailfish for testing. X E.
Plasma Mobile is just a desktop environment like any other. If your executable runs on postmarketOS it will run on postmarketOS + Plasma Mobile.
Correct. I'm not aware of any custom mod that doesn't run regular APK's. At most it may be missing google play services, so just make sure that your app doesn't have a hard dependency on google play services.
Correct, it uses glibc just like desktop Ubuntu. If your program runs on desktop Ubuntu I did expect it to also run on Ubuntu Touch.
I'm not familiar with Sailfish. I believe they use Wayland, so using winit for creating a window should work like on the other platforms you listed. I don't know in what format you need to package your app to be able to install it though.
There is a Plasma mobile desktop for postmarketOS but there is also a separate Plasma Mobile OS. Sailfish I guess I will ask. There is also NixOS mobile (there is a desktop too) but that probably also runs raw builds. Also, I believe SDL3 should do all this but winit maybe also. X E.
At this point I researched, there is also PureOS but for this, I consider this thing solved and any more can come from companies/maintainers of operating systems. X E.