Rust @FOSDEM 2017?

In-case anyone unfamiliar with fosdem FOSDEM 2017 - Home (open source conference thing at Brussels uni)

I do not recall any rust stuff there in 2016 (apparently there was,, however as I was not aware of rust then was not 'looking out' for it). As I now exclusively use rust outside of work, it would be fun to have as much rust stuff there next year as possible.

devroom proposals deadline isn't until 9th Sep, but obviously if anything can be organised the earlier the better.

Just wondered if there were already any plans yet. At the very least are there enough people interested in doing/organising anything?
(I still suck at rust, however am willing to put together 'simpler', intro-ish talks or just help out organising in whatever way)

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I gave a keynote in 2015 as well.

They rejected our proposal for a devroom in 2016. Maybe we'll make it in for 2017.

Here's last years call for someone to run it: Rust devroom @ FOSDEM? - #18 by skade

Sadly, my opinion towards FOSDEM has become worse, so I'm hesitant to even do the community handling this year. I still think it's an important event to be present at.

I "organised" the BOF last year (wrote my name on a signup paper). It was pretty successful so I'd be up for doing that even if a devroom wasn't allocated.

I don't know the internal comments about why the devroom wasn't accepted but I think the acceptance rate for devrooms is low and it's easy to discount Rust since some of the most gripping talks will almost certainly be about Servo - which can be done in the Mozilla devroom. As such, maybe it makes sense to see if the Mozilla devroom can be pushed out to two days with at least a half day allocated to Rust and a half day for Rust based projects (e.g. servo, mio, tikv, diesel, leaf retrospective).

Skade, why has your opinion become worse?

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I had a complaint to FOSDEM staff that I made public after FOSDEM decided to not even properly respond to the incident report.

The only statement they had was from their Twitter account, where they accused me of slander.

I had 3 cases reported as a devroom organiser, 2 cases of harassment and 1 incident with a staff member concerning myself.

Today is the devroom submission deadline.

Unfortunately, I could not grab a ticket for this year's chaos congress so I will participate at FOSDEM 2017 and hope to meet some fellow rustaceans there.

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It looks like there are two talks in the mozilla devroom:

Jesus M. Gonzalez-Barahona @ 13:30-13:55: How Rust is being developed: The Rust development dashboard

Jamey Sharp @ 14:00 14:25: Corrode: Tool-aided translation from C to Rust


Hi all.
I registered a Birds of a Feather (BoF) at FOSDEM '17 this year. It will be on Sunday from 11-12.

If there are any topics you would like to talk about, submit them here or in the subreddit thread.

See you there!


Nice! See you all there :slight_smile:

@ehiggs maybe something related to embedded systems? e.g. stuff like this

Thanks for opening the BoF! :muscle:

Bumping this a few days ahead of the BoF:

@enricostano asked to talk about embedded systems. I think it's an good topic with @japaric's steed being of interest.

Tweet away if you have people who follow you, pls.