I'm new to Rust (coming from Python) and started to read through the book. The book is very nicely written (I'm a blogger so I know what that means), and it has a good flow. I think that's phantastic since it is somehow an "entry gate" into Rust.
The chapters are all easy to follow along. But when "Ownership" starts then it gets very complex; which is ok since those are new concepts for people into script programming like me. IMO those chapters could have been more extensive though. On many occasions I thought "I think I got that, but I'm not 100% sure". The chapters before Ownership and after Mutability have a slower pace (i.e. "There’s a lot going on here, so let’s break it down"), I would have liked the same style in those middle chapters.
If I could help out in any way (e.g. by pointing out what was not clear to me), I'd happy to help
I had trouble understanding closures when I started with Rust because my background was mainly with bash scripting and a little bit of C. After talking it over with @steveklabnik he recommended that I submit an issue on github and they re-worded it to be more understandable. Here's a link to the ticket I submitted, they're really responsive about documentation questions. Unclear description in closure section of Rust Book · Issue #28803 · rust-lang/rust · GitHub
thanks, I've read through the ownership and borrowing chapters and they're like 5 times easier to read than the original docs. Kudos to whoever wrote those.
My suggestion: why don't you add a reference in the chapters ownership and borrowing to the new docs?
I agree with @philippkeller, the new version of the book is much better (clearer and detailed) than the current one.
I can't wait it's completed, I'm checking it weekly hoping to find new chapters, but recently it seems to be slowly updated... I guess that @steveklabnik has a lot of other important tasks to follow, so we have to be patient!