This will not compile because there are two borrows on the same variable "values". If I would change the
return type to "(mut[i32], mut[i32])" it would mean that the owner would go out of scope at the end of the function so the values would be dropped there right?
mut [i32] isn't a type. You might be confusing &mut _ references with let mut x = ... bindings. The latter is basically a built-in lint. mut bindings don't change the type of the variable, they just allow you to overwrite it and take a &mut _ to it. In contrast &T and &mut T are two significantly different types.
[i32] has a dynamic length (and thus size). We also say it is not Sized, or that it is unsized. You can't pass unsized types by value, so you can't return such a thing.
The function doesn't own the slice ([i32]) or the values in it, since it takes them by reference.
You can't return (mut [i32], mut [i32]) because those aren't types
You can't return ([i32], [i32]) because those are unsized types
You can't make *values go out of scope
If the compiler understood non-overlapping ranged-index operations on slices, the function could soundly compile -- the two slices don't alias each other. But it doesn't, which is why the actual split_at_mut is ultimately implemented via raw pointer operations.