Rust beginner notes & questions

I love Rust - let me preface with that.

Unfortunately, I think the tears at the seams (i.e. seeming incohesion/inconsistency) are visible at both the early/beginner stage and also at a later stage, although they're for different reasons. I am very hopeful that, over time, they'll be ironed out to a point where they're barely noticeable.

That said, no language is perfect. Rust is doing something novel, certainly so for any language that can be called mainstream. I think it's understandable that it'll have some growing pains, both at the lang and stdlib levels. There's just no way around it. I think the communities' (and Rust core teams') priorities align very well with mine (i.e. robustness, expressiveness, correctness to borderline pedantry, and performance).

Rust will definitely not be for everyone, just like no other language is universally praised or liked. The people that will like it are the ones holding the same core values as Rust and willing to put in the time to learn it, with all its quirks and idiosyncrasies.