Rust beginner notes & questions

Yes, I agree, as I look more into mio.

Yes, it is.

I think it might be advantageous to end/close this thread and spawn off a new thread to do the following:

  • solidify the requirements
  • survey the existing efforts and how they do/do not meet the requirements
  • analyze C# PIpes API and Java NIO and perhaps others for ideas/inspiration and/or problems to avoid
  • spin up a repo to begin the Trait/Interface designs and make decisions about how this should all interoperate etc. (as I mentioned above).

EDIT: Unfortunately, today, I need to keep focused on other work, so, I'll try to get back to this when I can.

EDIT: I've started a new thread here (Towards a more perfect RustIO) to provide a place to discuss the "Rust IO" issue. Further discussion on this thread should be be limited to other concerns (if any).