Rust applicability to small embedded codebase - getting discouraged

We've gotten way too philosophical here. And frankly, I think there is a lack of understanding about some of this. I've tried to be clear but I'm obviously communicating badly. I thought I was laying out a clear case why small embedded system use static allocation extensively, don't use the heap, and only use the stack for passing around parameters. (They don't put all the data on the stack as locals during initialization in main). Obviously, I've done a bad job. But it doesn't mean I'm wrong.

We will agree to disagree.

So instead, if anyone is interested, I'm taking a more practical approach with a real world example here (Rustifying a real world embedded example?).

Just don't try to tell me to avoid static allocation for this application. If that is what is suggested as the only viable approach, I will never in a million years sell Rust to our group. Or myself.