Rust-analyzer's intellisense not working

I have got project hierarchy like this

The issue I am facing is that intellisense works fine in and in for user module but doesn't work for which is a module of user module.

Hard to help without code, but have you made sure there's a mod model; inside src/user/

there is mod model in and mod user in Forum doesn't let me attach more than one media file since I am a new user

You can (and should) copy-paste code as text, not images. Enclose it in triple backticks to preserve formatting and get syntax highlighting:

fn main() {
    println!("hello, world");

results in

fn main() {
    println!("hello, world");

thanks for the suggestion

If you run cargo check in a terminal, does it produce any errors? If so, what are they (as text, please)?

If code isn't being compiled, for whatever reason, rust-analyzer won't be able to help you with it as much.

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