Rust 2d graph with gnuplot

I'm attempting to get a 2-d plot from rust. It is a toy compartmental model comprised of two compartments and three ode's. I've copied someone else's structure that uses a "stepper" function and stepper.integrate. It appears to work fine. How would I go about saving the results data with each iteration and draw a 2-d graph using gnuplot, or perhaps some better solution? Any close examples would be most welcome. Thx. J

Are you using the gnuplot wrapper?

Apologies for ignorance, do you mean the gnuplot crate?

Perhaps this would help Twocomp ?

I don't know what the program calculates - I see you print data to stdout. Do you want to plot A vs B?

You can of course do that offline (with gnuplot):

set title "Plot of A and B"
plot "data.txt" using 1:2 with linespoints title "A vs B"
pause -1

I see you already have a "gnuplot" hello world example set up using the gnuplot crate (it's the controller I linked to above). That example would work - if you generate x & y rather than hard code them. So I guess that is your question - how to collect this data into a vector/array rather than just print the samples to stdout?

Thanks Jesper, I would like both A and B vs time on the x axis. Obviously time is the dt in the ode solver.

set title "Plot of A, B & Tot"
plot "data.txt" using 0:1 with linespoints title "A", "data.txt" using 0:2 with linespoints title "B", "data.txt" using 0:3 with linespoints title "Tot",

pause -1