Rust 2020: Growth

Rust already has image of respected language, IMHO the only reason which stops adoption is lack of people on market which is a risk for companies. It will change with the time, since it has rather open ecosystem and state of documentation in Rust is great compared to other languages, maybe more learning materials and socializing would help to accelerate adoption.

For most people rust is not the first language, and that probably explains why it inherited so many great ideas from other languages - not just inherited but thoughtfully redesigned e.g. docs, tests, workspaces, types, pattern matching, multi-thread-capable futures, async/await etc. On the other side it is quite surprising for such a strong foundational language stay flexible that it adopts to challenges fast, including syntax changes when needed (hello JS and Python), and sometimes base concepts (rip green threads), hopefully it does not change when it enters mainstream.

I also like to admit one more very powerful distinction of other languages - powerful macros, static documentation generator and hosting, build system for public crates, embedded package management provide crate producers with tools to design ergonomic APIs - in the end language will be adopted if it has easy to use libraries, hence providing crate producers with more powerful features (like GATs, const generics) will pay back with wider adoption for sure.