Rocket + askama/minijinja (dynja?)

I'm using Rocket to create a web app in a side project.

I started using minijinja to generate HTML, but have already wasted quite some time and frustration on silent errors, so I'm looking for something with more static checking, and found askama.

I see that dynja exists: it switches between minijinja during development (for a, supposedly, better developer experience) and askama for release (for better performance). I think that the choice of minijinja during development is a double-edged sword: it buys you quicker iterations, as long as you don't make any mistakes; when you do slip up, I expect askama's static checking combined with LSP/bacon to give a better developer experience.

Furthermore, I see that Rocket provides integration with minijinja, but not askama. However, askama provides integration with Rocket. I've not found any awareness between Rocket and dynja.

Have you any experience/suggestions relative to using Rocket with minijinja and/or askama, and maybe switching between the two, maybe even via dynja?