Hi. I'm using a channel to pass data to my eventloop thread which does n/w writes. Now if the network disconnects, I need to reconnect it and use the same channel with the new framed to forward the messages. Below is my pseudo code
fn start() -> Result<()> {
let mut main_loop = Core::new().unwrap();
let (mut tx1, rx1) = mpsc::channel::<i32>(16);
thread::spawn(move || {
for i in 0..10 {
tx1 = tx1.send(i).wait().unwrap();
thread::sleep(Duration::new(1, 0));
let future_rx = rx1.for_each(|num| {
println!("{:?}", num);
let future_rx = future_rx.boxed();
loop {
// reconnect to the server and return a new `framed`
// let (sender, receiver) = framed.split();
// let future_rx = future_rx.forward(sender);
let _ = main_loop.run(future_rx);
If there is an error, main_loop
errors out and reconnection happens generating a new framed
How do I reuse the existing future_rx
(and send backlog messages in the channel)