Returning futures


I'm using lapin_futures to connect to a Rabbitmq broker. I'm creating a higher level wrapper module that will, for example, only allow me to publish a message with the correct type expected by my application.

Currently the wrapper code looks like this:

pub struct Rabbitmq<'a> {
    channel: &'a Channel<TcpStream>,

impl<'a> Rabbitmq<'a> {
    pub fn publish<T: serde::Serialize>(
        exchange: &str,
        queue: &str,
        message: &Message<T>
    ) -> Box<Future<Error=Error, Item=Option<bool>> + 'static>
        let ser = serde_json::to_string(message).unwrap();

which is used in main() like this:

    let future = TcpStream::connect(&addr, &handle).and_then(|stream| {
        Client::connect(stream, &ConnectionOptions::default())
    }).and_then(|(client, _)| {
    }).and_then(|channel| {
        let broker = Rabbitmq::new(&channel);
        broker.publish("x", "hello", &message)

This works fine. However, If I try to move the create_channel part into the publish method, I can no longer make it work:

pub struct Rabbitmq<'a> {
    client: &'a Client<TcpStream>,

impl<'a> Rabbitmq<'a> {
    pub fn publish<T: serde::Serialize>(
        exchange: &str,
        queue: &str,
        message: &Message<T>
    ) ->  Box<Future<Error=Error, Item=Option<bool>> + 'static>
        let ser = serde_json::to_string(message).unwrap();
        Box::new(self.client.create_channel().and_then(|channel| {

This gives me the following error: cannot infer an appropriate lifetime due to conflicting requirements.

I'm just starting with both Rust and Tokio, so basically I'm into trial and error mode, trying to clone and/or Box things but nothing seems to work.

Can anyone give me a hand?


The difference basically boils down to

  • in your first future, every reference that is not done being used by the time the future is returned is cloned
  • in your second future, every reference needs to survive past the first create_channel call to be used in the and_then closure

The references you are giving to publish in the second example are not 'static, so you cannot return a boxed future that has a static lifetime (edit: unless you either a. don't use the reference in the returned future, or b. get ownership over a copy of the referent)

Makes sense. Changing exchange and queue to String (or calling to_string() inside publish) fixed it.


Glad I was able to help! As an aside, your first example (chaining the future with .and_then) is likely more efficient than cloning inside publish. The lapin_futures api you are using clones some of the &strs you pass it, so if you clone in publish, you're effectively double cloning.