Returning a generic tokio Framed

Is it possible to write a function that works along the lines of:

enum ProtAddr {
pub fn connect<T>(pa: ProtAddr) -> Result<Framed<T, MyCodec>, Error> {
  match pa {
    ProtAddr::Tcp(sa) => {
      let stream = TcpStream::connect(sa).await?;
      let framed = Framed::new(stream, MyCodec::new());

    ProtAddr::Uds(sa) => {
      let stream = UnixStream::connect(sa).await?;
      let framed = Framed::new(stream, MyCodec::new());

Having the protocol determined at runtime, but the return time generic at compile time feels like a no-no.

No, you can't use generics here. Use an enum instead, e.g. the Either enum in tokio-util.

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