Resolved at constructor, but unresolved later

I'm using smodel to designate semantic entities in my compiler, but I found a weird bug.

I'm testing for compiler bugs with one simple ActionScript 3 source that doesn't contain any sort of code (sdk/demo/builtins/src/ at master · whackengine/sdk · GitHub).

From factory:

pub fn create_type_constant(&self, referenced_type: &Entity) -> Result<Entity, DeferError> {
    let r = TypeConstant::new(&self.0.arena, referenced_type, &self.0.class_type().defer()?);
    // test bug
    if r.static_type(self.0).is::<UnresolvedEntity>() {

Prints here, here, here, here, here, ...

Note that static_type(host) retrieves the type of a value, variable slot or virtual slot.

Then here in Value:

pub struct Value: Entity {
    let ref m_static_type: Option<Entity> = None;

    pub(crate) fn Value(static_type: &Entity) {
        if self.m_static_type().is_none() {

    pub override fn static_type(&self, host: &Database) -> Entity {
        // i have tried here `self.m_static_type().is_none()`
        // and it printed yes! Weird, right?

    pub override fn set_static_type(&self, value: Entity) {

    pub override fn property_static_type(&self, host: &Database) -> Entity {

Does not print any sort of "here", "here", "here"...

Here's TypeConstant:

pub struct TypeConstant: Constant {
    let ref m_type: Option<Entity> = None;

    pub(crate) fn TypeConstant(referenced_type: &Entity, static_type: &Entity) {

    pub override fn referenced_type(&self) -> Entity {

    pub override fn clone_constant(&self, host: &Database) -> Entity {
        host.factory().create_type_constant_with_static_type(&self.referenced_type(), &self.static_type(host))

Here's Constant:

pub struct Constant: Value {
    pub(crate) fn Constant(static_type: &Entity) {

Here's the semantic model: sdk/crates/mxmlsemantics/src/semantics at master · whackengine/sdk · GitHub

How to play with it

At the Whack SDK workspace, run:

cargo run -- check --path demo --builtins demo/builtins

It'll check the sources at the demo directory, using the demo/builtins package as the built-in Whack library (which is a strip of the whacklib without code).

Problem solved: it was a bug at the smodel crate, specifically at the procedural macro's impl for smodel!. The constructor's super() generated code only at new(), but not at the constructor's real code.


// If the type inherits another type:
// * At the constructor code, invoke `InheritedM::#ctor_init_name_id(&__cto1.0, ...super_arguments)`,
//   passing all `super(...)` arguments.
let mut super_code = proc_macro2::TokenStream::new();
if let Some(inherited_m) = smtype.inherits() {
    let inherited_m_name = Ident::new(&, Span::call_site());
    let super_arguments =|node| node.super_arguments.clone()).unwrap_or(Punctuated::new());
    super_code.extend::<proc_macro2::TokenStream>(quote! {
        #inherited_m_name::#ctor_init_name_id(&self.0, #super_arguments);

// Define the the instance `#ctor_init_name_id` method,
// containing everything but `super()` and structure initialization.
let statements =|node| node.statements.clone()).unwrap_or(vec![]);
smtype.method_output().borrow_mut().extend(quote! {
    fn #ctor_init_name_id #(#type_params)*(&self, #input) #where_clause {

P.S.: the comments are a bit outdated in the above code, might update it later

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