RefMut not dropped at the end of match

I'm having trouble with the following error:

thread 'main' panicked at 'already mutably borrowed: BorrowError'

I tracked down the error using the backtrace to the following code:

let object_node_ref =
    find_node_or_create(&graph_ref, &object_iri);

let mut graph = graph_ref.borrow_mut();
graph.add_edge(&subject_node_ref, &object_node_ref)

And it seems that my error is inside the find_node_or_create() function, wich is:

fn find_node_or_create<'a>(graph_ref: &'a GraphRef, iri: &str) -> NodeRef {
    let maybe_node = {
        let graph = graph_ref.borrow();
        let mut traverser = graph.traverser();
        let option_tuple = traverser
            .next();|(_, node)| node.clone())

    match maybe_node {
        Some(node) => node,
        None => {
            let mut graph = graph_ref.borrow_mut();
            let node_ref = graph.add_node();

And I know that the error lies at the end of this function, here:


Because when I remove the .borrow_mut().insert_label(iri); part the code run perfectly. My guessing is that for some reason the RefMut created bY THIS specific borrow_mut() is not dropped automatically. But I don't understand why.

Thanks for the help.

Variables in Rust are semantically meaningful. Assigning something to a variable extends its lifetime until the end of the scope.

borrow_mut().do_something() does a different thing than let tmp = borrow_mut(); tmp.do_something().

If you want borrows to end earlier than implicit cleanup at the end of scope, add explicit drop, e.g. drop(graph);

The string "already mutably borrowed" seems to come from the RefCell::borrow function when clone is called. Does putting the borrow_mut into a block help ?


@kornel I tried the following without luck:

let mut node = node_ref.borrow_mut();

@tobi34 from my tests the error orriginate because of the .borrow_mut() doesn't seems to drop the RefMut created. While it should simply borrow the Rc<RefCell> as a RefMut and drop it at the end of the function. Nevertheless I tried the following:


And still face the same issue...
All the code of the project is available on my github:

You should drop(graph) rather than drop(node). graph is the RefMut that's causing the problem, not node_ref.

Alternatively, you can get rid of graph altogether:

None => {
    let node_ref = graph_ref.borrow_mut().add_node();
    // ...

This was going to be my advise. Never create a variable to hold a guard (like borrow_mut() creates) unless your actual goal is to hold onto the guard until the end of the block.

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Thanks a lot, droping the graph solved the problem. I also add a more subtle bug releated when creating an edge between two nodes when the two nodes where the same.
This is solved.

Thanks to everyone.

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