Referencing values from inner closures

Stumbled on a problem while working through The Book. In the third exercise in Chapter 8 I want to display all employees with their departments (not grouped, just flat list). It's easy to achieve it with for loops, but doing it with iterators gives me this error: closure may outlive the current function, but it borrows dep, which is owned by the current function

let mut deps: HashMap<String, Vec<String>> = HashMap::new();
    .flat_map(|(dep, emps)| emps.iter().map(|emp| (emp, dep)))
    .for_each(|(emp, dep)| println!("{emp} ({dep})"));

Passing the dep value through the inner iterator seems to solve the problem (and in this trivial case, the inner closure becomes redundant):

.flat_map(|(dep, emps)| emps.iter().zip(repeat(dep)).map(|(emp, dep)| (emp, dep)))

but is there a way to make the first version work and reference dep directly from the inner closure?

You need to move to Chapter 13 for the solution.

Added move to the inner closure. Not sure why it is needed but it seems to solve the problem.