Even the reason in my newbie questions, I see that behavior from maintainer first time.
Seems my experience with this database get completed, without start.
Issue trackers are no support forums. They are there to track issues. If you open new 5 issues on a repo within <24h, all of which are essentially 1-liner relatively-low-effort questions for personal support, that's essentially spam, and Iām not surprised if an owner of a repo reacts by using the blocking feature to protect their issue tracker.
Edit: Well, it looks like the owner has actually been quite supportive and I could easily find multiple examples where they've given good answers to personal questions for help in the past.
We can only speculate where they drew the line. Probably, the most important factor here was opening so many separate tiny issue threads in a short time-frame.
Who knows, after 15 years of development, I saw maybe everything but not something like that. Usually owners make issue patterns or activate the Discussion feature, or, just using issues for everything, by marking different questions with related labels.
No matter for now, but if redb maintainer reading this and would like to reply, maybe it would be useful for others, who like me, spent some time for learning this crate API before get banned instead of get support (or just graceful 'good bye')