Raw pointer contains no data when running in release

A function created with bindgen from C gives me a raw pointer to data and a return status. If I run in debug the data is there and the return status is fine. If I run in release there is no data (like a std::ptr::slice_from_raw_parts() gives a slice of zero length) and the return status is still fine.

I know that this is not much info, but before I elaborate, I thought I ask if anybody has an idea what to look for?

This runs in a loop and for the runtime, one difference between debug and release is that debug runs at about 10 fps, and release at about 30 fps. But the original C program has no problem receiving the data at 30 fps so this might not be the problem.

If optimizations change the result like that, your C library or your FFI glue code may contain Undefined Behavior, and there's an actual safety bug in there.

  • Add more assertions and consistency checks in your Rust and C code (make sure all pointers are checked for NULL before they're used, lengths are never negative or too large)

  • Try running the program under Valgrind.

  • Try running with Address Sanitizer.


So I check all pointers for NULL and the data lengths. Only this one data length I mention above becomes zero for release.

Next I checked with Address Sanitizer. It gives a few memory leaks on the order of a few tens of bytes, happening in the C code, which is a (closed source) precompiled shared library, so I cannot check it. Anyway, I assume these tiny memory leaks have nothing to do with the problem?

But now comes the FUN FACT. To run Address Sanitizer, I have to use Rust nightly, and with nightly it runs in release without problems! What on earth could that mean? :smile:

If there actually is undefined behaviour (UB) in your code, then this is to be expected. The UB means, that the compilation result is undefined. So it can easily change from version to version.

This is why UB is so hard to handle, because its results are very unpredictable.

In my opinion this is the single best feature of rust as compared to C/C++. As long as you stay in safe land you do not have to worry about UB.

Maybe try an older nightly version an see if it fails again? For example one from the fay before the release of the stable version in which it failed?

There's a slim chance that you've ran into a miscompilation bug that has been fixed. You can bisect nightlies to find the exact change that made your program run as expected, and see whether that has been a relevant change: Installation - cargo-bisect-rustc

But also it's still quite likely that your code has UB. When the behavior is sensitive to optimizations, it's very likely that the code relies on something that it's not allowed to rely on. Whether it happens to work or not is a lottery, since small differences in optimizations can hide or expose the bugs (e.g. without inlining functions the optimizer may not see enough code to notice it's doing something forbidden, and inlining decisions vary based on heuristics).


I agree that it is probably UB, but after staring at this stuff for days, I'm running out of ideas. So please let me elaborate.

I'm testing out a depth/rgb camera (here is the API on github in C).

All the types/constants/functions prefixed with sc or Sc come directly from the bindgen I created from the API and are black boxes since the API libraries are closed source. There are two relevant functions with the following signatures

pub unsafe fn scGetFrameReady(device: ScDeviceHandle, waitTime: u16, pFrameReady: *mut ScFrameReady) -> ScStatus

pub unsafe fn scGetFrame(device: ScDeviceHandle, frameType: ScFrameType, pScFrame: *mut ScFrame) -> ScStatus

ScDeviceHandle: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_void is a pointer to the device, which I wrap into a struct

pub struct Device {
    pub handle: ScDeviceHandle,

and check it to not be NULL before returning it. It's used in many other function, for example to start up or shut down the camera. So I don't think this is the issue.

ScFrameReady is the following struct containing a buffer storing the signal for the frame availability.

pub struct ScFrameReady {
    pub _bitfield_align_1: [u8; 0],
    pub _bitfield_1: __BindgenBitfieldUnit<[u8; 4]>,

ScFrameType = ::std::os::raw::c_uint is an interger deciding the type of frame to be retrieved (depth, rgb,...).

ScFrame is the following struct, containing a pointer pFrameData to the data

pub struct ScFrame {
    pub frameIndex: u32,
    pub frameType: u32,
    pub pixelFormat: u32,
    pub pFrameData: *mut u8,
    pub dataLen: u32,
    /* … */

So I create the following two wrapper functions

pub fn read_next_frame(device: &Device, max_wait_time_ms: u16, frame_ready: &mut ScFrameReady) {
    unsafe {
        scGetFrameReady(device.handle, max_wait_time_ms, frame_ready);

pub fn get_frame(
    device: &Device,
    frame_ready: &ScFrameReady,
    frame_type: &FrameType,
    frame: &mut ScFrame,
) {
    let mut ft: Option<ScFrameType> = None;
    match frame_type {
        FrameType::Depth => {
            if frame_ready.depth() == 1 {
                ft = Some(ScFrameType_SC_DEPTH_FRAME);
        FrameType::IR => {
            if frame_ready.ir() == 1 {
                ft = Some(ScFrameType_SC_IR_FRAME);
        FrameType::RGB => {
            if frame_ready.color() == 1 {
                ft = Some(ScFrameType_SC_COLOR_FRAME);
        FrameType::TransformedRGB => {
            if frame_ready.transformedColor() == 1 {
                ft = Some(ScFrameType_SC_TRANSFORM_COLOR_IMG_TO_DEPTH_SENSOR_FRAME);
    if let Some(ft) = ft {
        unsafe {
            let status = scGetFrame(device.handle, ft, frame);
            if status != ScStatus_SC_OK {
                panic!("get_frame failded with status {}", status);
        if frame.pFrameData.is_null() {
            panic!("frame pointer is NULL!");

and then use these functions in the main loop of the program, for example, to receive a depth frame:

let frame_ready = &mut FrameReady::default();
let frame = &mut Frame::default();

loop {
    read_next_frame(&device, 1200, frame_ready);
    get_frame(&device, frame_ready, &FrameType::Depth, frame);
    // do something with the frame data...

This works fine for all FrameTypes except for FrameType::TransformedRGB in release mode, where frame.dataLen is zero and there is no data in frame.pFrameData (that's the only weird thing happening).
There is no other exceptional thing going on, frame_ready.transformedColor() == 1 is true, saying that "yes, there is a frame ready for that type", the return status of scGetFrame() is ok too, and the frame.pFrameData pointer is not NULL.

Sorry for the lengthy description, but is there anything wrong with my wrapping code that could create UB?

Here is a similar problem but much more compact. Maybe somebody can give a hint what's going on here?

I try to print out the firmware version, the C code looks like this

const int BufLen = 64;
char fw[BufLen] = { 0 };
scGetFirmwareVersion(g_DeviceHandle, fw, BufLen);
cout << "fw  ==  " << fw << endl;

So in Rust I do this

let firmware = &mut 0;
status = scGetFirmwareVersion(device.handle, firmware, 64); // status is ok

        slice_from_raw_parts(firmware, 64)

The signature of the bindgen generated function is

pub unsafe fn scGetFirmwareVersion(device: ScDeviceHandle, pFirmwareVersion: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_char, length: i32) -> ScStatus

In debug the code prints the correct string

But in release I get random stuff like


pFirmwareVersion is likely expected to be pointing on [c_char; length], not at some random place. This code is UB and could very well corrupt some unrelated memory, or simply crash when trying to write to the memory that was mapped as readonly.


Thanks! But what does that mean? How should the code be modified if the function expects a pFirmwareVersion: *mut ::std::os::raw::c_char?

Well, if they are expecting the fixed-size buffer, you can simply create it yourself:

let firmware = [0; 64];
status = scGetFirmwareVersion(device.handle, firmware.as_mut_ptr(), 64);

println!("{:?}", CStr::from_bytes_until_nul(&firmware));


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Thanks a lot! This works!
I only had to make firmware mutable and to add

CStr::from_bytes_until_nul(transmute(&firmware as &[i8]))

because firmware is [i8; 64].

I will try to see if this technique helps me with the bigger problem above too...