Push to vector in struct from function


I have a struct containing a vector. For that struct I have implemented a function 'add' which purpose is to validate if the data is valid and adds it to the struct.

pub struct MemoryData {
    cats: Vec<Cat>,
impl MemoryData {
    pub fn add(&mut self, cat: Cat) -> bool {

I would like to use this code like this:

//Create cat object
let cat: Cat = Cat::new(name, age, color, race);

//Save cat object

This generates the following error:

    |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected 2 parameters

Because the self-parameter is not defined. A solution would be to recreate the MemoryData object over-and-over again, but that would also re-initialize the vector and make all the precedent data in the vector vanish.

How do I solve this issue?

If this is in another method of MemoryData, then you can call the add method on self, like this:

impl MemoryData {
    fn do_stuff(&mut self) {
        //Create cat object
        let cat: Cat = Cat::new(name, age, color, race);
        //Save cat object

If not, then you'll need to call it on some specific MemoryData value, like this:

foo.add(cat);  // `foo` must be a variable that refers to a `MemoryData`.

If you don't have a MemoryData value in scope, then you will need to get one somehow. You could have the caller of your function pass one in, or you could keep one in a field of a struct, or you could create a new one and store it in a local variable...

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Thanks for your reply. I have solved it by initializing MemoryData in my main and passing it on through my program through the parameters (by mutable reference).

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