Project: net_sync_tokio

This is a pure-rust asynchronous network synchronization crate (using tokio) that recreates familiar asynchronous paradigms but in a network context.

Let A and B be two nodes with a pre-established ordered+reliable connection to each other (e.g., over TCP, TLS, QUIC, etc)

  • join Given A executing function f_a -> r_a and B executing function f_b -> r_b, return r_a to A and r_b to B
  • try_join Given A executing function f_a -> Result<r_a> and B executing function f_b -> Result<r_b>, return Result<r_a> to A and Result<r_b> to B iff Result<r_a> = Ok(r_a) AND Result<r_b> = Ok(r_b). A global error is returned if either one of the nodes fails
  • select Given A executing function f_a -> r_a and B executing function f_b -> r_b, return r_a to A if r_a is computed first, or, return r_b to B if r_b is computed first
  • try_select Given A executing function f_a -> Result<r_a> and B executing function f_b -> Result<r_b>, return Result<r_a> to A if Result<r_a> is computed first AND Result<r_a> = Ok(r_a), or, return Result<r_b> to B if Result<r_b> is computed first AND Result<r_b> = Ok(r_b). Returns a global error if both nodes fail.

Additionally, there is a sync_start module that allows the synchronization of two operations at approximately the same time.

Examples for every operation are in the source code under src/sync/[...]

In the future, this crate will include a NetMutex and NetRwLock abstraction.

Highly useful for operations that need to be coordinated across the network concurrently (e.g., TCP/UDP hole-punching)


NetMutex is now available, as well as the ability to arbitrarily multiplex streams (which can, in turn, be multiplexed further in a treewise fashion). The next step is to build out NetRwLock.

If you're interested in this project, feel free to message me to begin collaborating.

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