I'm trying to make a recursive macro that parses a recursive syntax and makes an expression out of it. It looks something like this:
macro_rules! test_macro {
(($x:tt)) => {test_macro! ($x)};
([$x:expr]) => {$x};
($x:ident : $($y:tt)*) => {($x($(test_macro! ($y)),*))};
fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {x + y}
fn main() {
test_macro! (add: (add: [3] [2]) [1]);
The first pattern match was made so that the third pattern match would work in a recursive context. The macro expansion I am expecting is test_macro! (A: (B: ...) ...) => A(test_macro! ((B: ...), ...) => A(test_macro! (B: ...), ...)
However, the above code doesn't compile, but returns the error message:
test_macro.rs:10:23: 10:24 error: expected ident, found (
test_macro.rs:10 test_macro! (add: (add: [3] [2]) [1]);
Why does this error occur? How do I make the macro behave the way I want?