Problem with sqlx::query_as! macros

macros says field can be null i have to wrap that field in option in my struct. So now im confused because i have struct like this:

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug)]
pub struct User {
    pub id: String,
    pub username: String,
    pub email: String,
    pub password: String,

And my table looks like this:

users (
    id          TEXT    PRIMARY KEY,
    username    TEXT    NOT NULL,
    email       TEXT    NOT NULL,
    password    TEXT    NOT NULL

They are clearly not null, but smh i get an error:

the trait bound std::string::String: std::convert::From<std::option::Option<std::string::String>> is not satisfied
the following other types implement trait std::convert::From<T>:
<std::string::String as std::convert::From>
<std::string::String as std::convert::Frombytestring::ByteString>
<std::string::String as std::convert::From<Box>>
<std::string::String as std::convert::Fromurl::Url>
<std::string::String as std::convert::From<Cow<'a, str>>>
<std::string::String as std::convert::From<&str>>
<std::string::String as std::convert::From<&mut str>>
<std::string::String as std::convert::From<&std::string::String>>
required for std::option::Option<std::string::String> to implement Into<std::string::String>

I looked for this type of error and found topic on stackoverflow, but best answer there is just wrap all fields in options. I dont want to do this becuse:

  1. They are not options, they cant be None
  2. I have to unwrap every time i need to use field

Just to make sure, did you check if all of those fields are present in your query result ? I suspect that its giving you this message because one of the fields came back as null but the struct doesn't support it.

Full query is null rn cuz db is empty. But this is compile time error. Anyways ill try to check if error will still pop even if there are actual examplrs in db

I'm so dumb. Main problem is that field "id" is not NOT NULL so sqlx thinks it could be possibly null

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