Problem with reciving data from CAN-BUS, STM32F4

Hello , I am trying to communicate Raspberry Pi 5 with MCP2515 and STM32F412 using embassy. I am successful in receiving data from STM32F412 on Raspberry Pi but when I try to send something to STM from Pi computer I got a problem. I am using two tasks one for sending CAN frames to Pi computer and other for receiving frames from it. When I send something to STM32 it is receiving frame but task for sending frame halts.

Can configuration:

let mut can = Can::new(p.CAN1, p.PB8, p.PB9, Irqs);

    // accept only id from main board ( with Raspberry Pi ).
    can.modify_filters().enable_bank(0, Fifo::Fifo0, Mask32::frames_with_std_id(StandardId::new(0).unwrap(),StandardId::new(0x7FF).unwrap()));


        .set_loopback(false) // Receive own frames


    let can_txrx: (embassy_stm32::can::CanTx<'_, CAN1>, embassy_stm32::can::CanRx<'_, CAN1>) = can.split();

Clock configuration ( I am using 25 Mhz crystal )

let mut config = Config::default();

    config.rcc.hse = Some(Hse{
        freq: Hertz(25_000_000),
        mode: HseMode::Oscillator

    config.rcc.pll_src = PllSource::HSE;

    config.rcc.sys = Sysclk::PLL1_P;

    config.rcc.pll = Some(Pll{

    config.rcc.ahb_pre = AHBPrescaler::DIV1;

    config.rcc.apb1_pre = APBPrescaler::DIV1;

    config.rcc.apb2_pre = APBPrescaler::DIV1;

    let p = embassy_stm32::init(config);

Transmit and recive tasks ( Scenic is for transmit and Espace is for reciving )

async fn espace_task(mut espace:Espace<'static>)
    loop {

async fn scenic_task(mut scenic:Scenic<'static>)
    loop {

Espace task:


use core::cell::RefCell;
use core::sync::atomic::AtomicBool;

use cortex_m::singleton;
use defmt::{info, unwrap};
use embassy_stm32::peripherals::CAN1;
use embassy_stm32::spi::{RxDma,TxDma};
use embassy_stm32::{peripherals, Peripheral};
use embassy_stm32::{i2c::I2c, mode::Async, peripherals::I2C3};
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::{raw::ThreadModeRawMutex, Mutex};
use embassy_sync::channel::Channel;
use mpu6050::Mpu6050;

use crate::module::mag::Mag;

use crate::module::registers::IMUData;
use crate::module::shared::{AUXDATA, FUSIONDATA, MOTORDATA, SERVODATA};
use crate::module::shared::IMUDATA;
use crate::module::shared::PIDSERVODATA;

use crate::tasks::megane::IMUCHANNEL;

use embassy_stm32::can::filter::Mask32;
use embassy_stm32::can::{
    Can, CanRx, Fifo, Frame, Rx0InterruptHandler, Rx1InterruptHandler, SceInterruptHandler, StandardId, TxInterruptHandler

use super::scenic::{CanFrame, SCENIC_TRUNK};

pub static MEGANE_UPDATE:AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
pub static LAGUNA_UPDATE:AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);

pub static LAGUNA_MOTOR_UPDATE:AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);
pub static LAGUNA_SERVO_UPDATE:AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);

pub static CLIO_UPDATE:AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false);

/// a task for reading data from CAN
pub struct Espace<'a>

impl<'a> Espace<'a> {
    pub fn new(can:CanRx<'a,CAN1>) ->Self

    // recive task, add read from registers options ( first bit in id byte would indicate write/read ( 0 for read and 1 for write ))
    pub async fn run(&mut self)
        let input_data =;

        info!("Espace got data!");

        if input_data.is_ok()
            let frame = input_data.unwrap().frame;

            let data =;

            // read offset

            if data.len() >= 3
                let mut id:u8 = data[0];

                // check if last bit is set to 1
                let writing = ( id & 0x7f ) == 0;

                id = id & !0x7f;

                let mut offset:u16 = 0;

                offset = data[1] as u16 | ( (data[2] as u16) << 8 );

                let remaing_data = &data[3..];
                info!("Offset: {}",offset);

                match id {
                    0 =>
                        let imu = IMUDATA.lock().await;
                        if writing
                            info!("Wiriting to IMU!");
                            imu.borrow_mut().data[offset as usize..offset as usize + remaing_data.len() as usize].copy_from_slice(remaing_data);
                        else {
                            let mut frame: CanFrame = CanFrame::new(255,imu.borrow_mut().data.len() as u8);

                            info!("Sending from IMU!");

                            let len = imu.borrow().data.len();



                    1 =>
                        let aux = AUXDATA.lock().await;

                        if writing
                            info!("Wiriting to AUX!");
                            aux.borrow_mut().data[offset as usize..offset as usize + remaing_data.len() as usize].copy_from_slice(remaing_data);
                        else {
                            info!("Sending to AUX!");
                            let mut frame: CanFrame = CanFrame::new(254,aux.borrow_mut().data.len() as u8);


                    2 =>
                        let pid = PIDSERVODATA.lock().await;

                        if writing
                            info!("Wiriting to PID!");
                            pid.borrow_mut().data[offset as usize..offset as usize + remaing_data.len() as usize].copy_from_slice(remaing_data);
                        else {
                            info!("Sending from IMU!");
                            let mut frame: CanFrame = CanFrame::new(253,pid.borrow_mut().data.len() as u8);


                    3 =>
                        let servo = SERVODATA.lock().await;

                        if writing
                            info!("Wiriting to Servo!");
                            servo.borrow_mut().data[offset as usize..offset as usize + remaing_data.len() as usize].copy_from_slice(remaing_data);
                        else {
                            info!("Sending from Servo!");
                            let mut frame: CanFrame = CanFrame::new(252,servo.borrow_mut().data.len() as u8);


                    4 =>
                        let motor = MOTORDATA.lock().await;

                        if writing
                            info!("Wiriting to Motor!");
                            motor.borrow_mut().data[offset as usize..offset as usize + remaing_data.len() as usize].copy_from_slice(remaing_data);
                        else {
                            info!("Sending from Motor!");
                            let mut frame: CanFrame = CanFrame::new(251,motor.borrow_mut().data.len() as u8);


                    5 =>
                        let fusion = FUSIONDATA.lock().await;

                        if writing
                            info!("Wiriting to Fusion!");
                            fusion.borrow_mut().data[offset as usize..offset as usize + remaing_data.len() as usize].copy_from_slice(remaing_data);
                        else {
                            info!("Sending from Fusion!");
                            let mut frame: CanFrame = CanFrame::new(250,fusion.borrow_mut().data.len() as u8);






Scenic task:


use core::borrow::Borrow;
use core::cell::RefCell;

use cortex_m::singleton;
use defmt::unwrap;
use embassy_stm32::peripherals::CAN1;
use embassy_stm32::spi::{RxDma,TxDma};
use embassy_stm32::{peripherals, Peripheral};
use embassy_stm32::{i2c::I2c, mode::Async, peripherals::I2C3};
use embassy_sync::blocking_mutex::{raw::ThreadModeRawMutex, Mutex};
use embassy_sync::channel::Channel;
use mpu6050::Mpu6050;
use usbd_hid::descriptor::generator_prelude::Serialize;

use crate::module::mag::Mag;

use crate::module::shared::AUXDATA;
use crate::module::shared::IMUDATA;
use crate::module::shared::PIDSERVODATA;

use crate::tasks::megane::IMUCHANNEL;

use embassy_stm32::can::filter::Mask32;
use embassy_stm32::can::{
    Can, CanTx, Fifo, Frame, Rx0InterruptHandler, Rx1InterruptHandler, SceInterruptHandler, StandardId, TxInterruptHandler

pub trait Framed
    fn serialize(&self)->&[u8];
    fn get_id(self)->u8;

pub struct CanFrame
    pub data:[u8;65],
    pub size:u8,
    pub id:u8,
    pub target_id:u16,

impl CanFrame {
    pub fn new(id:u8,size:u8) -> Self

pub static SCENIC_TRUNK:Channel<ThreadModeRawMutex,CanFrame,10> = Channel::new();

/// a task for reading data from CAN
pub struct Scenic<'a>

impl<'a> Scenic<'a> {
    pub fn new(can:CanTx<'a,CAN1>) ->Self

    // recive task
    pub async fn run(&mut self)
        // wait for incoming frame
        let frame = SCENIC_TRUNK.receive().await;

        if frame.size == 0
            return ;

        let data = &[..(frame.size) as usize];
        let id =;

        let mut offset:u16 = 0;

        for chunk in data.chunks(5)
            let mut msg:[u8;8]=[0;8];
            msg[0] = id;

            // msg[1] = ( offset>>8 & 0xFF ) as u8;
            // msg[2] = ( offset & 0xFF ) as u8;



            let frame = Frame::new_data(unwrap!(StandardId::new(frame.target_id)), &msg[..(3+chunk.len())]).unwrap();

            offset += chunk.len() as u16;


I am rather fresh in embedded Rust and I have used to program such thinks in C so I am open for suggestions.

Small update it turns out the problem is with rcc clock configuration, it works only on default settings which give me only 16 Mhz main clock. I tried every possible configuration and it still freaks out!

You may have more luck on the Rust embedded matrix channel. It seems to be the most active forum for embedded. (Do please update back here with any findings though, to keep it searchable for anyone in the future with similar issues.)

Small update, turns out all I have to do is to turn off STM-32 from power supply. Then after power on everything is working fine.

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