Problem using macros inside same macros repetition section

Cant get this to work:

enum Event {

macro_rules! callback_gen {
    (Before => $code:block) => { Event::Before => $code, };
    (Connect => $code:block) => { Event::Connect(response) => $code, };
    (Close => $code:block) => { Event::Close => $code, };
    ($($event:ident => $code:block),+) => { 
        |incoming_event| {
            match incoming_event {
                $(callback_gen!($event => $code))*

fn main() {

    let cb = callback_gen!(
        Before => {println!("before")},
        Connect => {println!("connect")},
        Close => {println!("close")}



You can't create entire match arms in a macro, you'll have to split up the pattern and the block.

How could i create pattern in macro?

Rust doesn't check macros before they are expanded (in fact it can't check macros before expansion)

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