Problem in storing function (with generic arguments )

  struct New {num: i32 }
  struct ComplexThing <A>   //( L1)
  calls:  Box<FnMut(&A)+Send+Sync>,
 trait newstrait {
 fn display(&self);
impl newstrait for New {
fn display(&self){println!("new's num value : {}",self.num);}
impl newstrait for i32{
fn display(&self){println!("number  : {}",self);}
fn  printline<A:newstrait>(p: &A){

fn main(){    
let mut vec = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing{calls: Box::new(printline)}]));
let mut len; 
 let mut vec = vec.lock().unwrap();
 vec.push(ComplexThing{calls: Box::new(printline)}); //storing function in vector
 len = vec.len();
 for i in 0..len{
 let vec = vec.clone();
 let mut vec= vec.lock().unwrap();
 let ref mut elem =vec[i].calls;                
 if i!=1{
 elem(&New{num:1080}); //calling stored function with instance of structure New as argument ( L2 )     
 let num = 434;
 elem(&num);   //calling stored function with i32  as an argument (L3)

It is initialising generic type (A) at L1 with the type of arguments which are sent first and giving error on L3 33:15 error: mismatched types:
expected &new,
found &_
(expected struct new,
found integral variable) [E0308] elem(&num);

I read from ( that rust makes copies of function which takes generic arguments for each type at compile time .
If a generic type is initialised with with the type of arguments which are sent first ,then how to overcome this???

Rust Playground -- reformatted

So playing around with this I found that when I declared the vec type:

let mut vec : Arc<Mutex<Vec<ComplexThing>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }]));

I get the error:

<anon>:28:33: 28:45 error: wrong number of type arguments: expected 1, found 0 [E0243]
<anon>:28     let mut vec : Arc<Mutex<Vec<ComplexThing>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }]));

Which hints at what is going on. Without the declaration the compiler is seeing the first call to ComplexThing and saying "Oh A is of type struct New" so when you try calling it with an i32, it starts complaining.

Unfortunately I don't know how to move forward from that, when I do:

let mut vec : Arc<Mutex<Vec<ComplexThing<newstrait>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }]));

I get:

<anon>:28:19: 28:59 error: the trait bound `newstrait: std::marker::Sized` is not satisfied [E0277]
<anon>:28     let mut vec : Arc<Mutex<Vec<ComplexThing<newstrait>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }]));

Oh here is the code formatted nicely for anyone else that wants to look:

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

struct New {
    num: i32,
struct ComplexThing<A> {
    calls: Box<FnMut(&A) + Send + Sync>,
trait newstrait {
    fn display(&self);
impl newstrait for New {
    fn display(&self) {
        println!("new's num value : {}", self.num);
impl newstrait for i32 {
    fn display(&self) {
        println!("number  : {}", self);
fn printline<A: newstrait>(p: &A) {

fn main() {
    let mut vec : Arc<Mutex<Vec<ComplexThing<newstrait>>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }]));
    let mut len;
        let mut vec = vec.lock().unwrap();
        vec.push(ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }); //storing function in vector
        len = vec.len();
    for i in 0..len {
        let vec = vec.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut vec = vec.lock().unwrap();
            let ref mut elem = vec[i].calls;
            if i != 1 {
                let num : i32 = 434;
                elem(&num);   //calling stored function with i32  as an argument (L3)
            else {
                elem(&New { num: 1080 }); //calling stored function with instance of structure New as argument ( L2 )

I got it working but I'm not sure if the results are going to work for you...

use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread;

struct New {
    num: i32,
struct ComplexThing {
    calls: Box<FnMut(&newstrait) + Send + Sync>,
trait newstrait {
    fn display(&self);
impl newstrait for New {
    fn display(&self) {
        println!("new's num value : {}", self.num);
impl newstrait for i32 {
    fn display(&self) {
        println!("number  : {}", self);
fn printline(p: &newstrait) {

fn main() {
    let mut vec : Arc<Mutex<Vec<ComplexThing>>> = Arc::new(Mutex::new(vec![ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }]));
    let mut len;
        let mut vec = vec.lock().unwrap();
        vec.push(ComplexThing { calls: Box::new(printline) }); //storing function in vector
        len = vec.len();
    for i in 0..len {
        let vec = vec.clone();
        thread::spawn(move || {
            let mut vec = vec.lock().unwrap();
            let ref mut elem = vec[i].calls;
            if i != 1 {
                let num : i32 = 434;
                elem(&num);   //calling stored function with i32  as an argument (L3)
            else {
                elem(&New { num: 1080 }); //calling stored function with instance of structure New as argument ( L2 )

I had to change ComplexThing::calls so that it took a &newstrait instead of a generic so it could be properly sized, I guess with the generic it couldn't guarantee the size of the structure.

I also had to change the signature of printline to take a &newstrait, otherwise the compiler couldn't guarantee it's lifetime. I suspect it because when printline uses a generic there end up being multiple implementations of the function, one for each data type passed in. By changing it to take the trait there ends up only 1 implementation...

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yeah! it worked @pixel

I must say, @anil1596 you're doing something very strange.


  1. You aren't getting any parallelism here.
  2. The program will exit before the threads finish executing.