Problem about borrowing: My timer implementation requires a mutable reference to the timer queue

I think it's not a rare problem but sorry I cant figure out how to solve it or what keyword to search.
I'm writing a mio tcp server actually but I think my problem is fundamentally a callback object want a mutable reference to a looper. So I make an example with a simple timer queue. So the question is, timer or something can be very flexable and may call some fn of the timer queue but I don't want to pass the same timer queue all around and mass up the logic of every timer. I've tried Rc, RefCell and found the evil is in the very first ';', tq is mut so there can be no other &mut to it, no matter what boxing struct I use. Am I right? And what's the best way (or if there are any) to implement such structures?

    use std::boxed::Box;
    use std::thread::sleep;
    use std::time::Duration;

    trait Timer {
        fn fire(&mut self);

    struct TimerQueue {
        timers : Vec<Box<Timer>>,
        new_timers : Vec<Box<Timer>>,

    impl TimerQueue {
        fn new() -> TimerQueue {
            TimerQueue {
                timers : Vec::new(),
                new_timers : Vec::new(),
        fn insert(&mut self, timer : Box<Timer>) {
        fn run(&mut self) {
            loop {
                self.timers.append(&mut self.new_timers);
                for t in self.timers.iter_mut() {

    struct ATimer;

    impl Timer for ATimer {
        fn fire(&mut self) {
        //do something
        //problem: I want to insert another timer into the same queue, but how?

    fn main() {
        let mut tq = TimerQueue::new();

You can pass a struct, wrapping a mutable reference to new_timers, to Timer::fire():

trait Timer {
    fire(&mut self, queue: QueueMut);

struct QueueMut<'a>(&'a mut Vec<Box<Timer>>);

impl<'a> QueueMut<'a> {
    fn insert(&mut self, timer: Box<Timer>) {

// And then in TimerQueue::run():
for t in self.timers.iter_mut() { self.new_timers));

This works because TimerQueue::run() knows that self.timers is the only thing that's mutably borrowed in that for loop, so self.new_timers is fair game. You already got halfway there with pushing to new_timers so you don't risk invalidating the iterator over timers.

If you find yourself duplicating a lot of functionality, you can have a public-in-private supertrait which implements the necessary accessors, then an exported trait which implements all other public-facing methods on top of those, and a blanket impl connecting the latter to the former. Playground link

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