Printing Box Values

Is there a way to print the values of x and y here.

Obviously println!("{}", x); gives E0277 errors.


struct BigStruct {
one: i32,
two: i32,
// etc
one_hundred: i32,

fn foo(x: Box) -> BigStruct {

fn main() {
let x = Box::new(BigStruct {
one: 1,
two: 2,
one_hundred: 100,

let y: Box<BigStruct> = box foo(x);



I think all you need to do is define Debug:

struct BigStruct {
    one: i32,
    two: i32,
    // etc
    one_hundred: i32,

Then use :? in the println.

 println!("{:?}", y);

At the bottom.

That worked, Thanks - was even able to manipulate the box values adhoc - so what matters is the return value for i32.

struct BigStruct {
    one: i32,
    two: i32,
    // etc
    one_hundred: i32,

fn foo(x: Box<BigStruct>) -> BigStruct {

fn main() {
    let x = Box::new(BigStruct {
        one: 1 + 1,
        two: 2 + 2,
        one_hundred: 100 + 100,

    let y: Box<BigStruct> = box foo(x);
     println!("Here is the value of y: ");
     println!("{:?}", y);


Here is the value of y:
BigStruct { one: 2, two: 4, one_hundred: 200 }