Printing a slice

I'm wondering about the difference in println! treatment of arrays and slices.

I can do this:

let u = [2, 4, 8];
println!("{:?}", u);
println!("{:?}", &u);
println!("{:?}", &u[0..]);

But not this:

println!("{:?}", u[0..]);

So I have a few questions:

  • Why are arrays and slices treated syntactically differently by println! macro?
  • Where is this difference documented?
  • Where can I find the official slice syntax documentation (i.e. for u[a..b] etc.)?
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+1 on this. I also wondered and wanted to ask exactly this several times, but somehow was too lazy to submit.
Great thing you weren't :wink:

Commenting here to get on /cc list.

let u = [2, 4, 8];

This is a fixed-size array, [i32; 3].
&u is a reference to it of type &[i32; 3].

u[..] is [i32], which is an unsized array. One can do very little with unsized values directly so you take a slice instead: &u[..] of type &[i32].

but then again, the println! macro takes a reference to everything you pass to it, so technically that should work automatically, shouldn't it?


Before the reference is taken you need to store the value on the stack and that requires knowing its size statically.