pre-RFC: `str::replace_with` function to replace text with closure

Rust has a lot of idiomatic approaches to common things, like Iterator::enumerate or str::char_indices to iterate over both the index and the element(char in str).
Similarly replace_with(not limited to just strs) could be used to replace a pattern with the result of a closure, like so:

let str = "{}, {}!";
let new_str = str.replace_with("{}", |i| if i == 0 {
    i += 1;
} else {

So you don't need to write verbose for loops.
In the str, it could be declared as:

pub fn replace_with<P, F>(&self, pattern: P, closure: F) -> &str
    P: Pattern,
    F: FnMut(usize /* position of pattern */, P /* actual pattern (if there are multiple and you want to check which one is) */) -> &str {}

Where if an iterator implementation is included, the pattern in the closure would not be needed, and a slice of Iterator::Items could be used instead of just one, so that you can provide different code for different patterns.

This looks better suited to This forum is for discussing how to use current Rust, not how to change Rust.


Still, i want to see whether or not this would be a good addition to the users.

It looks like this would essentially duplicate a less powerful subset of Regex::replace(), so given that the latter exists, I don't see why this should be in std.

Anyway, if you want this API, it's pretty straightforward to implement by yourself:

fn replace_with<'a, P, F, S>(&'a self, pattern: P, mut replacer: F) -> Cow<'a, str>
    P: Pattern<'a>,
    F: FnMut(usize, usize, &'a str) -> S,
    S: AsRef<str>,
    let mut result = String::new();
    let mut lastpos = 0;
    for (idx, (pos, substr)) in self.match_indices(pattern).enumerate() {
        lastpos = pos + substr.len();
        let replacement = replacer(idx, pos, substr);
    if lastpos == 0 {
    } else {

Thank you, now i know that i won't need to open an rfc just for that.

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