Peace: Zero Stress Automation (2024-10-31 presentation)

Heya :wave: ! A mediocre-production-but-content-is-good presentation I gave at the Auckland Rust meetup on 2024-10-31:

:dove: Peace is my long standing software automation project where I've engineered my heart into code.

Video (45 mins) - watch at 1.5x speed, will not disappoint :slightly_smiling_face:

Features ("surprisingly good" - azriel):

  1. :frame_photo: See a diagram of the environment that would be created, before it exists.
  2. :eye: See a diagram of the environment that actually exists.
  3. :art: See what would happen at every step of the process before you press go.
  4. :paintbrush: See what's actually going on as it is happening.
  5. :zap: Interrupt and resume automation safely.
  6. :computer: Beautiful command line and web interfaces generated for you.
  7. :page_facing_up: "Like git status, diff, commit, and push, but for servers"


To engineer with empathy, whether verbal, visual, or vocal, refine your voice, connect, and communicate with clarity.

Let it reach you.

p/s: It's not deep on technical details, but I figure the concepts are interesting in general. Coding them in Rust probably required a lot more difficult programming constructs, but it also made it easier to express difficult concepts clearly and correctly.

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