Path `components()` vs. `collect()` - inconsistent behavior?


Function Path::components() is used to split a path into its components. Calling collect() on an iterator of Component is the "reverse" operation, i.e. build a path from the components.

Except for some basic normalization, components()collect() should be inverse functions.

But, I'm getting a "weird" behavior when it comes to drive letters on Windows! :thinking:

Considering this code:

fn normalize(path: &Path) {
    println!("{:?}", path);
    let mut components = Vec::with_capacity(8);
    let mut n = 0usize;
    for component in path.components() {
        println!("[{}] = {:?}", n, component);
        n += 1;
    println!("--> {:?}\n", components.into_iter().collect::<PathBuf>());

Result is:

[0] = RootDir
[1] = Normal("foo")
[2] = Normal("bar")
--> "\\foo\\bar"

[0] = Prefix(PrefixComponent { raw: "C:", parsed: Disk(67) })
[1] = RootDir
[2] = Normal("foo")
[3] = Normal("bar")
--> "C:\\foo\\bar"

[0] = Normal("meh")
[1] = Normal("C:")
[2] = Normal("foo")
[3] = Normal("bar")
--> "C:foo\\bar" // <-- expected: "meh\\C\\foo\\bar"

Problem is with the last example. The drive letter C: is detected as a "normal" component, rather than "prefix" – which probably is fine/expected here, as it appears in the middle of the path. But weird things happen when the components are joined together again! Even though C: is a "normal" component, it suddenly is treated as if it was a prefix, completely throwing away the other "normal" component(s) that come(s) before it. Even worse, the resulting path is not even well-formed, missing a required directory separator between the C: and foo components. If at all, we should get something like C:\\foo\\bar. But even that shouldn't happen, I think, as C: explicitly was a "normal" component. Ideas?

Any suggestions how I can get my normalize() to do the "expected" thing? I want to create a function that normalizes a user-supplied path, but – unlike canonicalize() – the path may not exist yet.

It appears that drive letters need to be handled specially in normalize(), if they ever appear as a "normal" component. But how can I be sure there are no other "special" cases I need to handle?

Thank you!


I'm clueless about Windows, but here's a probable breadcrumb: PR 89270, a non-FCP'd breaking change to Windows PathBuf::push. (The collect is just a series of push.)

Tangential note that Rust's platform-agnostic path generalization, though admiral, is flawed. E.g. the extension logic is designed as if multiple extensions could not exist.


This behaviour has been present since at least Rust 1.10 (the oldest rustc I currently have installed). It does not have to do with verbatim paths (because this path does not start with \\?\ it is not verbatim).

I would recommend opening a bug report.


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