Pass String to 'static, str func

I have problem to passing String to a static,str func.

the trait 'std::convert::From<&std::string::String>' is not implemented for 'std::borrow::Cow<'static, str>

could someone help to passing this value.

Can you show the code? Is the String you have non-static I assume? A playground example would be best.

You’ll either need to use an arbitrary lifetime in the Cow, or pass an owned string rather than a reference to one.

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playground can not run it, because can not support actix crate.
extern crate actix;
extern crate actix_web;
extern crate env_logger;
extern crate openssl;

fn p404(req: actix_web::HttpRequest) -> Result<actix_web::HttpResponse, actix_web::Error> {
    let x = "a".to_string(); // <---- It can not change to str
                    http::Cookie::build("name", &x) // <---- this method needs str
        .body("Not Found"))

fn main() {
    if std::env::var("RUST_LOG").is_err() {
        std::env::set_var("RUST_LOG", "actix_web=info");
    let sys = actix::System::new("ws-example");
   actix_web::server::new(|| {
            .default_resource(|r| {
                    .f(|_| actix_web::HttpResponse::MethodNotAllowed());

    println!("Started http server:");
    let _ =;

@vitalyd thanks man.
I did use Cow::Owned(x) as Cow<str> and my problem is fixed now, but i'm looking for more efficient way.

FTR: The construction of a Cow itself it nearly free, so if this is inefficient the issue lies elsewhere.
For example, you could just do Cow::Borrowed("a") and skip the String allocation (which occurs in the .to_string() call) altogether.

But if the method in the line http::Cookie::build("name", &x) requires a &str as you say, then perhaps it's best to simply pass the "x" string literal to it directly and skip the Cow altogether.


Thank you for your tips.

But if the method in the line http::Cookie::build("name", &x) requires a &str as you say, then perhaps it’s best to simply pass the "x" string literal to it directly and skip the Cow altogether.

build method requires Cow<'static, str>, so i can not simply pass x, because x is String variable.

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Ah yes I see what you mean. In that case I recommend the Cow::Borrrowed approach as it avoids the unnnecessary string allocation.


I see you guys have sorted this out, but wanted to mention that you can pass a string literal or an owned string to build since it takes an Into<Cow<'static, str>> generic. IOW, no need to construct the Cow manually.