Part 3: The alloc module API

I'm trying to learn and understand the decision that led to the seemingly poor alloc module API.
In one of my previous post guy was mentioning monomorphization cost and giving it as a reason for alloc not being generic. I can understand that and it does make sense. But then we look at the alloc API and we have:
where layout is an object that is created with generic API!
So to me it seems that the issue with monomorphisation is simply moved to other place but not avoided.
Can somebody shed light into that aspect?

It's not necessarily about monomorphisation being expensive.

The global allocator is overridable via the #[global_allocator] attribute and can't be directly called from the standard library. The standard library is still able to use the global allocator from alloc::alloc::alloc() and friends because they depend on "something" providing functions like __rust_alloc() which will do the allocation/deallocation. The #[global_allocator] attribute expands to provide definitions for those functions in your downstream crate, and the linker wires everything up so nobody notices the inverted dependency.

The key part to realise is that all extern functions must have one signature and can't contain generics because otherwise it's not posible to resolve things when linking. That means even if the GlobalAlloc trait returned a strongly-typed *mut T, you would lose that type when crossing the __rust_alloc() boundary.

That's fine. The Layout::new() constructor is just a helper that uses core::mem::size_of() and core::mem::align() to get the size and alignment of a type at compile time.

As you can see from size_align()'s comments there actually have been concerns around the cost of monomorphisation, but the current way of doing things seems to be less expensive than the alternatives.

I would say this is a fairly subjective opinion.

Rust's alloc module provides a good low-level API that you can build more high-level, well-typed APIs on top of, akin to malloc() and free().

I would say this actually makes it a good API because it is very rare that an end user would be calling alloc() by hand - you almost always use higher-level collections/abstractions, and for implementors of those types it is much more convenient to work with untyped memory than strongly typed pointers.


First, Layout itself is not generic. Neither are several constructors (e.g. from_size_align). What you are referring to is likely Layout::new::<T>(), which is however a much more trivial function. Its monomorphization will increase the generated code size much less than instantiating the entire allocation algorithm several times.


Seems OK to me. As an old C hand I naturally expect something that is allocating memory to return a pointer to bytes. Especially as it's called alloc.

I don't see anything generic about the Layout object. In the source it looks like this:

pub struct Layout {
    // size of the requested block of memory, measured in bytes.
    size: usize,

    // alignment of the requested block of memory, measured in bytes.
    // we ensure that this is always a power-of-two, because API's
    // like `posix_memalign` require it and it is a reasonable
    // constraint to impose on Layout constructors.
    // (However, we do not analogously require `align >= sizeof(void*)`,
    //  even though that is *also* a requirement of `posix_memalign`.)
    align: ValidAlign,

Apparently monomorphisation costs are not that important - something you were very adamant of and gave as a main reason for the alloc API to be the way it is.

It is more difficult and less ergonomic to C API. In my book that is poor API.
But thanks for the answer. I appreciate the effort you've put.

You are again misinterpreting the answer above. It says "It's not necessarily about monomorphisation", and not that "it's not about monomorphization". Good API design is allowed to, you know, take multiple factors into account.

Once again, you are completely ignoring the fact that Rust has typed heap allocations. They are called Box, Vec, String, etc. You don't have to use the alloc/Layout API most of the time.

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Yes, but the only reason given by you was monomorphisation cost. You know. You didn't neither considered nor mentioned that there can be other, more important one.

I don't. I am trying to learn alloc module.

That doesn't invalidate my answer in any way. It just means that there are also additional factors, but monomorphization still stands.

Well, I really don't see it that way. My point is that std::alloc::alloc doesn't/shouldn't need argument of layout to be able to allocate memory for a type. Even if we agree on the fact that returning *mut T is no op. In my eyes, returning *mut u8 is simply a workaround. It is OK but that's all it is: a workaround.
It is simply making usage of the API unnecessary complicated (in already complicated area) without giving much benefit.

I think I found the problem here.

std::alloc::alloc does not, and I guess is not intended to, allocate memory for a type. It allocates memory, which comes in bytes. So as a minimum it needs a length parameter and return a pointer to bytes. However we have that pesky alignment problem to take care of as well.

As noted here, for allocating a type use Box or some such. As the documentation says: "‘box’, provides the simplest form of heap allocation in Rust." Sounds just like what you want.

The C allocation, malloc, also takes a "layout". Except that layout is only a length. Alignment has to take care of itself.


I believe that this is the most sensible answer. Thanks.

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I'm trying to learn about manual mem management in Rust. I know about Box and others. Thanks.

Minor note on terminology: I would consider Box a form of “manual memory management”, too. Really, all memory management in Rust is somewhat manual. The advantage of Box is that it's also safe to use. (Really, one of the main powers of Rust is its safe manual memory management.)[1]

In fact, Box is quite useful in cases where you want raw-pointers, too. Using Box::into_raw(Box::new(...)) for allocation and initialization, as well as drop(Box::from_raw(...)) for dropping and deallocating can be fairly ergonomic. In cases where you don't want to initialize the memory when allocating, that could still be possible when MaybeUninit is also used, though arguably, at that point it maybe becomes a bit lengthy, I guess.

  1. Of course, “manual” is not a technical term, so other people might prefer to think of Rusts memory management as some compile-time-determined “automatic” memory management instead. ↩︎


Wow, thanks. That is the first time someone has hinted I might be sensible for years :slight_smile:

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The credit must go where the credit is due. :slight_smile: Cheers!

I don't see why not. If you want memory allocated on the heap for something you use Box. If you don't use Box the thing ends up on the stack. You have to Box things manually, yourself.

I don't see that not having a matching deallocator, free, for a Box makes it any less manual. After all you have to manually take care of the scope the Box is in to determine where it is deallocated. Which you have to do in languages like C anyway, else you end up using something that is free'd or leaking something that is not.

Actually, I think shared_ptr is a kind of garbage collector. It cleans things up when it sees nobody else is using them. Just like a garbage collector does.

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Like most software, rust's allocation api is built in layers. alloc() is the lowest layer. If the api you want existed, it would use this low level alloc(). It doesn't exist for one reason: It wasn't useful enough for anyone to add it.


No one told you that alloc was used to allocate a type. Now suddenly, telling it is not meant for this is an acceptable answer for you :joy:

Reference counting is a kind of garbage collection. And you should trust Herb Sutter in that matter :wink:

As for alloc, the purpose or application of garbage collection can be wider than what you expect.