Parallel load error - the trait `futures::Future` is not implemented for closure

Here's a version with fixed patch indexing, then:

extern crate netcdf;
extern crate ndarray;
extern crate rayon;
extern crate test;

use netcdf::variable::Variable;
use ndarray::{ArrayD, ArrayViewD, ArrayViewMutD, IxDyn, Axis};
use rayon::prelude::*;
use test::Bencher;

fn spawn(mut split: ArrayViewMutD<f32>, var: &Variable, offset: usize, patches: &[[usize;2]]) {
    for loc_i in 0..split.len_of(Axis(0)) {
        let glob_i = loc_i + offset;
        split.slice_mut(s![loc_i, .., .., ..])
             .assign(&var.array_at(&[glob_i, 0, patches[glob_i % 30][0], patches[glob_i % 30][1]],
                                   &[9, 1, 64, 64]).unwrap().remove_axis(Axis(1)));

fn get_batch_pool(var: &Variable, offset: usize, batch_size: usize, patches: &[[usize;2]]) -> ndarray::ArrayD<f32> {
    let mut batch = ArrayD::<f32>::zeros(IxDyn(&[batch_size, 9, 64, 64]));
        // We will parallelize the inner loop using a TBB-like splittable task
        struct Splittable<'a> {
            view: ArrayViewMutD<'a, f32>,
            offset: usize,
        let split_data = Splittable { view: batch.view_mut(), offset };

        // Here is how we split one of our tasks
        fn split_fun(s: Splittable) -> (Splittable, Option<Splittable>) {
            // We split data along the first axis, if it has >= 2 items
            let size = s.view.len_of(Axis(0));
            if size < 2 { return (s, None); }
            let half_size = size / 2;
            let (view1, view2) = s.view.split_at(Axis(0), half_size);

            // The offset is preserved across splits for NetCDF interaction
            let s1 = Splittable { view: view1, offset: s.offset };
            let s2 = Splittable { view: view2, offset: s.offset + half_size };
            (s1, Some(s2))

        // Run a parallel loop using this strategy
        rayon::iter::split(split_data, split_fun).for_each(|s| {
            spawn(s.view, var, s.offset, patches);

fn main() {
    let batch_size = 100;
    let patches = [[60, 144], [60, 204], [60, 264], [60, 324], [60, 384],
        [60, 444], [60, 504], [60, 564], [60, 624], [120, 144],
        [120, 204], [120, 264], [120, 324], [120, 384], [120, 444],
        [120, 624], [180, 204], [180, 264], [180, 324], [180, 384],
        [180, 444], [180, 504], [180, 564], [180, 624], [240, 324],
        [240, 384], [240, 444], [240, 504], [240, 564], [240, 624]];
    let file = netcdf::open("").unwrap();
    let temp = file.root.variables.get("thetao").unwrap();
    println!("{} - {}", temp.dimensions[0].name, temp.dimensions[0].len);
    println!("{} - {}", temp.dimensions[1].name, temp.dimensions[1].len);
    println!("{} - {}", temp.dimensions[2].name, temp.dimensions[2].len);
    println!("{} - {}", temp.dimensions[3].name, temp.dimensions[3].len);
    let mut batches = Vec::new();
    for o in 0..300 {
        println!("{}", o);
        let batch = get_batch_pool(temp, o * 5, batch_size, &patches[..]);
    println!("{:?}", batches[0].shape());