I'm using deps.rs status badge in my repo and found some dependency marked as deprecated
It's rusqlite
and ggemini
- first one I've really not updated yet,
but ggemini
has latest version 0.15.0
in application repository and on crates.io
Maybe the cache? Or I've forgot about something?
Looks like they cache crate versions and it's not yet updated.
Looking in their bug tracker I found this: service gets stuck and doesn't update anymore after some time of uninterrupted operation · Issue #106 · deps-rs/deps.rs · GitHub
Probably still an ongoing issue that some versions are cached and never/late updated.
It's an external project, so issues like this should be reported there directly.
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Thanks for the reference, yes, looks like the cache, just second day I'm waiting for updates and nothing yet, like something that I forgot to update.