Optimization of unused fields in a clone?


Suppose I've a struct

struct Foo {
    bar: Bar,
    xyz: Xyz,

where Barand Xyz are other potentially large structs.

Suppose I'm trying to do the following:

impl Foo {
    fn example(&self) {
        let Foo { bar, .. } = self.clone();
        // .. Do something that consumes bar

What that cause more memory than if I do these instead

impl Foo {
    fn example(&self) {
        let bar = self.bar.clone();
        // .. Do something that consumes bar

If there's optimization that only clones the used fields, is such optimization reliably applied in every such usages?


Optimization must not change the observable behavior of the code. The <Xyz as Clone>::clone() function may have side effects like interacting with the file system or the stdio. Same applies if the Xyz has a Drop impl with side effect. Eliminating execution of code with side effect change the observable behavior of the code.


Check with rust.godbolt.org (don't forget to add -O to flags)

If clone gets inlined, and the compiler can tell that there are no side effects when cloning (e.g. xyz is just a bunch of integers) then redundant work should be optimized out.


It does look like

let Foo { bar, .. } = self.clone();

generates longer and more complex assembly than the other one...

Yeah, HashSet is non-trivial to clone. Heap allocation and running of drop is probably seen as a side effect, so it's not removed.

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