Of &'static fn pointers and trait method pointers

Ok so i know that functions are actually function pointers, and they are 'static.

are trait methods the same?


trait Trait {
    fn method(&self);

struct Struct;

impl Trait for Struct {
   fn method(&self) {}

fn main() {
    let var = Struct;
    var.method(); // is var.method a &'static pointer?

It seems logical that var.method is also &'static but i wanted to be sure.
so here i am asking.

var.method isn't anything. What I mean is, it's not a value or an expression. You can't not call an instance method like that.

Now, Struct::method is a fn(&Struct) function pointer.

so does that mean that it is &'static?

Struct::method is indeed a function pointer, you just have to be aware that you must supply var as the first argument.

trait Trait {
    fn method(&self);

struct Struct;

impl Trait for Struct {
    fn method(&self) {}

fn takes_pointer(f: fn(&Struct)) {
    let var = Struct;

fn main() {

thanks for this

Function pointers don't have explicit lifetimes at all, but if you're asking "does the function pointer point to something that exists forever", then yes.

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thanks as well.