Now I feel like the borrow checker

Why does this compile

    struct A; // non-copy non-clone
    fn foo(mut xx: [A; 2]) -> impl FnOnce() -> () {
        move || { dbg!(&mut xx); } // xx borrowed here
    } // xx dropped here
    ^____ xx dropped while borrowed

Since it's a move closure, xx is moved inside it and borrowed only during its call. Note that this code doesn't compile:

struct A;
fn foo(mut xx: [A; 2]) -> impl FnOnce() -> () {
    let closure = move || {
        dbg!(&mut xx);
    dbg!(&mut xx); // use of moved value

Neither does this:

struct A;
fn foo(mut xx: [A; 2]) -> impl FnOnce() -> () {
    || {
        dbg!(&mut xx); // closure may outlive borrowed value

So in the context of move || closure, the &xx in the body is two operations. Copy/move xx then apply the & and take a reference? This doesn't happen outside a closure? Just so I'm aware in the future, taking references with & of a variable is not going to copy the variable in no other context?

No, the moving happens when the closure is constructed, the meaning of &xx itself does not change at all.

Put simply, a closure is a struct with fields for the captured data.

A closure

let closure = || {
    dbg!(&mut xx);

// and here's a call demo


  • implicitly define a struct, somewhat like
    struct TheClosure<'a> { xx_ref: &'a mut [A; 2] }
  • use the closure body to define a call method, replacing the places where captured variables appear with appropriate field accesses
    impl TheClosure<'_> {
        fn call(self) -> () {
            dbg!(&mut *self.xx_ref);
  • the closure expression itself will then be replaced to a constructor call for this struct
    let closure = TheClosure { xx_ref: &mut xx };
  • and calls to the closure desugar to call the call method
    // and here's a call demo;

Now, the move keyword influences the type of the field in this struct. It’s not longer a (mutable or immutable) reference, but instead always an owned value of the same type as the variable being captured.

(By the way, I’m being deliberately a bit vague on the whole closure desugaring, because the whole story is quite complex with quite a few corner cases, especially if the finer-grained closure captures we got in edition 2021 are also taken into account. But it’s mostly a bunch of little convenience rules to make your life easier, nothing you actually need to learn in detail to understand the general principles.)

(I have been and will be also ignoring anything beyond FnOnce for simplicity of the desugaring. Otherwise, we’d have a second kind of code analysis to discuss that’s being done to the closure body, and up to 3 different call methods would be generated for the same closure, and the desugaring of calling the closure would need to choose the right call method to call.)

So with this keyword the thing changes as follows.

The move closure

let closure = move || {
    dbg!(&mut xx);

// and here's a call demo


  • define the struct with an owned value of the type of xx
    struct TheMoveClosure { xx_owned: [A; 2] }
  • use the closure body to define a call method, now adapted to the new field type, so the dereferencing can go away
    impl TheMoveClosure {
        fn call(self) -> () {
            dbg!(&mut self.xx_ref);
  • the closure expression itself will then be replaced to a constructor call for this struct, and moving the ownership happens immediately on construction
    let closure = TheMoveClosure { xx_owned: xx };
  • and calls to the closure still desugar to call the call method
    // and here's a call demo;

For determining these desugaring, the general idea is that a closure move || … code mentioning variable `foo` … will always capture foo by-value, whereas a closure || … code mentioning variable `foo` … will inspect how foo is actually used and downgrade the capture to by-mutable-reference or by-shared-reference if that’s all that’s needed. Well, and… with finer-grained capturing of struct fields etc. in edition 2021, the full story is a bit more complex, because it’s no longer always the whole variable being captured.

So it’s not &xx or &mut xx that changes meaning, it’s just that move will make the closure analysis simpler and just see something like &xx as “some code that uses xx”, and no longer as “some code that uses xx only in ways where access by shared reference would be sufficient”.


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