(not just) serde_*::Value comparison

Let's say you have a set of types like:

  • serde_yaml::Value
  • serde_json::Value

And you'd like to implement "PartialEq" for them. It's in quotes, because you can't do it.

What your approach would be if:

  • you'd like to compare them
    • if possible, as yaml can have integers as keys for example, but json can have strings only
    • if not possible, just say false
  • you have immutable references to these values only
  • you'd like to avoid cloning, ... (excessive allocations)
  • you can't change deserialization type as it should be part of already existing code base
  • set of these types to compare can grow in the future
    • like toml-rs & Value
    • but these types will always look like a json (primitive types & array & object)

Here's a gist of what I have so far or here's the code itself:

use serde_json;
use serde_yaml;

use std::collections::HashMap;

pub enum Value<'a> {
    Yaml(&'a serde_yaml::Value),
    Json(&'a serde_json::Value),

// Any serde_*::Value "conversion"
pub trait FromRef<'a, T> {
    fn from_ref(a: &'a T) -> Self;

pub trait RefInto<'a, T> {
    fn ref_into(&'a self) -> T;

impl<'a, T, U> RefInto<'a, U> for T
    U: FromRef<'a, T>,
    fn ref_into(&'a self) -> U {

macro_rules! impl_from_ref {
    ($t:ty, $i:expr) => {
        impl<'a> FromRef<'a, $t> for Value<'a> {
            fn from_ref(a: &$t) -> Value {

impl_from_ref!(serde_yaml::Value, Value::Yaml);
impl_from_ref!(serde_json::Value, Value::Json);

// Values extraction
macro_rules! impl_value_is {
    ($method:ident) => {
            Json => $method,
            Yaml => $method
    ($method:ident, $( $v:ident => $vm:ident ),+ ) => {
        impl<'a> Value<'a> {
            fn $method(&self) -> bool {
                match *self {
                        Value::$v(x) => x.$vm(),

macro_rules! impl_value_as {
    ($method:ident, $result:ty) => {
            $method, $result,
            Json => $method,
            Yaml => $method
    ($method:ident, $result:ty, $( $v:ident => $vm:ident ),+ ) => {
        impl<'a> Value<'a> {
            fn $method(&self) -> $result {
                match self {
                        Value::$v(x) => x.$vm(),

impl_value_is!(is_bool, Json => is_boolean, Yaml => is_bool);
impl_value_as!(as_bool, Option<bool>);
impl_value_as!(as_null, Option<()>);
impl_value_as!(as_i64, Option<i64>);
impl_value_as!(as_u64, Option<u64>);
impl_value_as!(as_f64, Option<f64>);
impl_value_as!(as_str, Option<&str>);
impl_value_is!(is_array, Json => is_array, Yaml => is_sequence);
impl_value_is!(is_object, Json => is_object, Yaml => is_mapping);

impl<'a> Value<'a> {
    fn as_array(&'a self) -> Option<Vec<Value<'a>>> {
        match self {
            Value::Yaml(yaml) => yaml.as_sequence().map(|x| x.iter().map(Value::from_ref).collect()),
            Value::Json(json) => json.as_array().map(|x| x.iter().map(Value::from_ref).collect()),

    fn as_object(&'a self) -> Option<Result<HashMap<&'a str, Value<'a>>, ()>> {
        match self {
            Value::Yaml(yaml) => yaml.as_mapping().map(|x| {
                    .map(|(k, v)| k.as_str().map(|k| (k, Value::from_ref(v))).ok_or(()))
            Value::Json(json) => json
                .map(|x| x.iter().map(|(k, v)| Ok((k.as_ref(), Value::from_ref(v)))).collect()),

// Comparison
impl<'a, 'b> PartialEq<Value<'a>> for Value<'b> {
    fn eq(&self, other: &Value) -> bool {
        if self.is_null() {
            return self.as_null() == other.as_null();
        if self.is_bool() {
            return self.as_bool() == other.as_bool();
        if self.is_u64() {
            return self.as_u64() == other.as_u64();
        if self.is_i64() {
            return self.as_i64() == other.as_i64();
        if self.is_f64() {
            // TODO approx crate
            return self.as_f64() == other.as_f64();
        if self.is_string() {
            return self.as_str() == other.as_str();
        if self.is_array() {
            return self.as_array() == other.as_array();
        if self.is_object() {
            match (self.as_object(), other.as_object()) {
                (Some(Ok(x)), Some(Ok(y))) => return x == y,
                _ => return false,

pub fn eq<'a, 'b, T, U>(lhs: &'a T, rhs: &'b U) -> bool
    T: RefInto<'a, Value<'a>>,
    U: RefInto<'b, Value<'b>>,
    let lhs: Value = lhs.ref_into();
    let rhs: Value = rhs.ref_into();

    lhs == rhs

pub fn ne<'a, 'b, T, U>(lhs: &'a T, rhs: &'b U) -> bool
    T: RefInto<'a, Value<'a>>,
    U: RefInto<'b, Value<'b>>,
    !eq(lhs, rhs)

mod tests {
    use super::*;

    fn assert_json_yaml_eq(json: &str, yaml: &str) {
        let j: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
        let y: serde_yaml::Value = serde_yaml::from_str(&yaml).unwrap();
        assert!(eq(&j, &y));

    fn assert_json_yaml_ne(json: &str, yaml: &str) {
        let j: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str(&json).unwrap();
        let y: serde_yaml::Value = serde_yaml::from_str(&yaml).unwrap();
        assert!(ne(&j, &y));

    fn bool_eq() {
        assert_json_yaml_eq("true", "true");
        assert_json_yaml_eq("false", "false");
        assert_json_yaml_ne("false", "true");
        assert_json_yaml_ne("true", "false");
        assert_json_yaml_eq("[1, 2, 3]", "[1, 2, 3]");

    fn string_eq() {
        assert_json_yaml_eq("\"hallo\"", "\"hallo\"");

    fn u64_eq() {
        assert_json_yaml_eq("18446744073709551614", "18446744073709551614");

    fn i64_eq() {
        assert_json_yaml_eq("-23", "-23");

    fn f64_eq() {
        assert_json_yaml_eq("1.5", "1.5");

    fn array_eq() {
            "[1, 2, 3]",
            - 1
            - 2
            - 3"#,

    fn object_eq() {
                "foo": 2,
                "bar": "baz"
            foo: 2
            bar: baz"#,

Any comments? What would you do in cases like this one?

Why not just deserialize your JSON into serde_yaml::Value? Then you can just use the PartialEq implementation.

I already have serde_yaml::Value and serde_json::Value deserialized from elsewhere (external crate). What you propose is okay, but I do not want to touch the other crate (yet) to change the deserialization (but I'll probably do it). Mainly, I know it looks weird, I take this as an exercise, if there's an effective way how to achieve this goal with these constraints.

Also trying to avoid stuff like ...

let json: serde_json::Value = serde_json::from_str("true").unwrap();
let json_to_yaml: serde_yaml::Value = serde_json::from_value(json).unwrap();
let yaml: serde_yaml::Value = serde_yaml::from_str("true").unwrap();
assert_eq!(json_to_yaml, yaml);

... because the conversion consumes json in this case and as I have a reference only it would mean that I have to clone() it before the conversion.

I'd probably use more pattern matching. Like so:

cmp_json_yaml(yaml: &serde_yaml::Value, json: &serde_json::Value) -> bool {
    match (yaml, json) {
        (serde_yaml::Value::String(a), serde_json::Value::String(b)) => a == b,
        /* all matching types */,
        _ => false,

For array/object, you can call this function recursively.