Newbie advance docs

I am having a difficult time using the docs. My preferred documentation style reads more like a header file, not starting with examples. The examples show how to use a function but does not give return value type. This make it difficult for me to chain the example snippets together. For me the power of a language are the libraries( crate ).

I like the concepts and syntax of rust. I see huge potential as a IoT language because is runs embedded and in a browser.

You sold me on the language, now sell me with the libraries.


Maybe you're looking for the std reference? has API docs for basically all crates you can find on The rustdoc search is pretty good. And that minus button on the top right can quickly hide/show descriptions so you only see the signatures.


That minus sign made all the difference, plus the discovery that the search was local. I recall spending several days clicking around like a savage before I found search.