Need help with some Glib pointers in Rust

I'm beginner in Rust, and can't understand from documentation

  • if I make Byte.clone() for Bytes - it will create just new pointer, not entire bytes slice?
  • same for GString.clone() (GString)

both should be shared pointers with data stored on heap, so I can clone them without worry to take extra space in memory, or must I use reference to these objects instead?

Maybe somebody have experience in GTK and can simply reply for this newbie question

clone is a Rust method. If you're using the glib crate, see:

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So GString.clone() make the copy of data with same method name (where clone for Bytes makes just reference with counter increased), right?

Yes. I don't see a glib-specific way of sharing GStrings, but I have no glib experience. Wrapping it in a Rust Arc would work.


Thanks for answer, I've read about GSrings once but for some reasons returned again with doubts, because lot of gobjects already shared references :slight_smile:

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