Multi-language app integration with Crowdin

I'm working with Rust first time, it's my new experience in desktop development also (GTK mostly). Application I'm writing get grow and I think it's a good time to begin cover interface strings into some wrapper, to make simple extract and sync with Crowdin later.

Before, I have used Symfony, with it CLI tool, that provides API in few clicks. But what about Rust, to not read a lot. It could be some common, most useful way here or maybe the crate or std asset, where I can start integration from.


I'd expect rust_i18n to be of interest for you. It supports custom backends which you could use to create a Crowdin integration through their REST API.


Yes, looks like that's it, by first lines of doc!


In fact, currently I want just to wrap all strings into some common macros/method and return to this question later, when get free time to setup.

Thanks much!