Most coveted Rust features

Thanks for the tip, I just finished skimming Chapter 6 of "Elements of Programming".

I agree that iterators are an abstraction of the fundamental taxonomy of linear traversal data structures he mentioned: single-pass forward (input stream), multipass forward (linked list), bidirectional (doubly-linked list), and random access (array).

However, I'm contemplating they are an anti-pattern because they are so often premature generalization which renders the high-level algorithm opaque, thus grabbing more complexity than is required (e.g. low-level memory lifetimes) and less high-level optimization clarity than if we expressed the high-level algorithm more transparently.

Iterators are opaque semantics.

For example, we can employ a single-pass forward iterator to implement some, then the caller can compose the output with another the (reset) multipass forward iterator to find a specific iterated element in the output. But if we instead built these composable operations on the higher-level abstractions of, then we can glue them together with lazy evaluation such that we get deforestation so that we don't process the elements of some that occurred after the found element. We get this high-level optimization automatically under any sort of functional composition of forward traversal without needing to think about it. Also we don't need to remember to deallocate the iterators since the iteration occurs in the library and not in our user land code. And our high-level semantics are more explicit and less opaque.

It doesn't replace iterators where there is no reusable high-level abstraction such as functor map, but it makes the premature generalization of iterators an anti-pattern when there is a high-level abstraction that is more closely fit to the actual algorithm.